SURF to compare images
Leandro Vasco da Rocha
2012-11-14 12:43:06 UTC

I was studying opencv for python and I found Mahotas.

I have to solve the following problem: I will send a picture and the system will
search a database of images with different images which are similar to the
one that was sent (like google search images). My desire is to bring the
images that have over 70% similarity.

What is the best way to do this? Any suggestions?

I'm do one test using opencv and Py2.7, but now I need to compare the
images and obtain percent of common points.

*# Load the images**
img =cv2.imread(MEDIA_ROOT + "/uploads/imagerecognize/armchair.jpg")

# Convert them to grayscale
imgg =cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

# SURF extraction
surf = cv2.FeatureDetector_create("SURF")
surfDescriptorExtractor = cv2.DescriptorExtractor_create("SURF")
kp = surf.detect(imgg)
kp, descritors = surfDescriptorExtractor.compute(imgg,kp)

# Setting up samples and responses for kNN
samples = np.array(descritors)
responses = np.arange(len(kp),dtype = np.float32)

# kNN training
knn = cv2.KNearest()

modelImages = [MEDIA_ROOT + "/uploads/imagerecognize/1.jpg", MEDIA_ROOT
+ "/uploads/imagerecognize/2.jpg", MEDIA_ROOT +

for modelImage in modelImages:

# Now loading a template image and searching for similar keypoints
template = cv2.imread(modelImage)
templateg= cv2.cvtColor(template,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
keys = surf.detect(templateg)

keys,desc = surfDescriptorExtractor.compute(templateg, keys)

for h,des in enumerate(desc):
des = np.array(des,np.float32).reshape((1,128))

retval, results, neigh_resp, dists = knn.find_nearest(des,1)
res,dist = int(results[0][0]),dists[0][0]

if dist<0.1: # draw matched keypoints in red color
color = (0,0,255)

else: # draw unmatched in blue color
#print dist
color = (255,0,0)

#Draw matched key points on original image
x,y = kp[res].pt
center = (int(x),int(y))

#Draw matched key points on template image
x,y = keys[h].pt
center = (int(x),int(y))



Best regards,

Andreas Mueller
2012-11-21 19:10:27 UTC
Post by Leandro Vasco da Rocha
I was studying opencv for python and I found Mahotas.
I have to solve the following problem: I will send a picture and the
system will search a database of images with different images which
are similar to the one that was sent (like google search images). My
desire is to bring the images that have over 70% similarity.
What is the best way to do this? Any suggestions?
Depending on how you measure similarity, "gist" or just a tiny image
might be a better descriptor than surf.

I would imagine that for such a retrieval task learning a ranking model
should be good.
No idea how to train it, though ;)


Luis Pedro Coelho
2012-11-22 00:33:06 UTC
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Post by Andreas Mueller
Depending on how you measure similarity,
I think this is the clincher.

The problem is really undefined if you just say similarity. Do you want
similar colours, similar objects, everything similar?


Leandro Vasco da Rocha
2012-11-22 00:47:49 UTC
I think similar objects. An example: I take a picture of a shoe and search
in my database what model of this shoe.

I hope I have explained properly what I need.

Post by Luis Pedro Coelho
Post by Andreas Mueller
Depending on how you measure similarity,
I think this is the clincher.
The problem is really undefined if you just say similarity. Do you want
similar colours, similar objects, everything similar?
Andreas Mueller
2012-11-22 08:21:16 UTC
Post by Leandro Vasco da Rocha
I think similar objects. An example: I take a picture of a shoe and
search in my database what model of this shoe.
If that is possible will depend a lot on how normalized the images are.
If these are product pictures,
you might have a chance.
Google goggles is trying to do recognize products in image for a couple
of years now, with a
dedicated research team. It's not really working yet.

