Dear Matvey,
Thank you for the information. This is a new topic for me and it will take
some time until I reach the programming phase. I am neither familiar with
GUI development which is also a time consuming study for me. So, your
experience will be very appreciated.
I see many terms in this subject which are not known to me, like surf,
watershed, thresholding etc. I think I need first to learn more about them
and I would like to start from something which is easy to understand. What
would you recommend me to read as for the newcomer? Only one source...
Post by Sprindzuk MatveyYou can find my research papers on Google (both medical and CS). Those
having the code inside are waiting for publication.
I spent several years programming and image processing, because it was a
part of my job,
I can share with you my experience, if you need.
You know, Mahotas/Numpy is a beautiful Python library to play with images.
Once things are installed, you can rapidly develop the code for the tasks
you need. From my experience it works better on Ubuntu 11.04. Cammelia,
VTK/ITK and OpenCV are more complex and fragile libraries, especially when
using C++. You can attach Qt, Wx or GTK/FLTK GUI for your applications with
Python and produce a good software (if your are not afraid to become blind
and sick from sitting too long...)
Matvey Vladimir Spirndzuk, research fellow, scientist
Post by Alexandr PischanskyyDear Matvey,
Thank you for the information. I first would like to read some theory on
this topic but the software is also interesting and I will look at it later.
What do you do on this subject? Can I see your work somewhere?
Post by Sprindzuk MatveyYou can also look at the free ImageJ software and a Java cookbook and some other links,d.Yms
Post by Alexandr PischanskyyThank you for the references.
Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!
Post by Sprindzuk Matvey
Post by Sprindzuk Matvey
Post by Alexandr PischanskyyThe computer vision topic is very interesting for me and I read
about it, and even think to make something in this direction. I have an
applied mathematics background but I am not familiar with the theory behind
computer vision techniques. When I try to read it I cannot understand much.
I believe, the programming algorithms are not so complicated as the theory
describes. Is there any tutorial for dummies about these techniques?
I was also curious what methods are used for shapes recognition. In
my task I implemented rather simple algorithm to determine straight pieces
from a curved line described by a set of points. But I am looking for
something which can help me to find also other shapes (including
self-defined). Please give me a tip or a link.
Thank you.