ANN: imread 0.2.6 (Same good ol' flavour, now with fewer bugs)
Luis Pedro Coelho
12 years ago
Hi List,

I just put out a new version of imread following some github discussions
pointing out that there were a few good bugfixes on the git version
which had not made it to PyPI.

Imread is now also travis checked, so that's good too.


Imread is a simple library to read/write image files. It just gets Bytes
in and out of numpy arrays and leaves image processing to more complex
packages such as skimage or mahotas.

It is open source (MIT).

Get it from github:

or you can now pip install it:

pip install imread

Check the documentation for dependencies.

Bug reports are welcome! Patches doubly so.
Luis Pedro Coelho | EMBL | http://luispedro.org
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